Original Background and Texture Links - Page 1

All sites listed on these pages offer original designs and not collections from around the web. I've divided the sites between two pages since the list was getting so long.Any sites that are designated with a "New" tag were entered on this page July/97. If you know of any web pages that have original designs that should be included here, please let me know so that others can enjoy them too.

Near the bottom of this page you can find links to my own original background designs for your web pages. I hope you stop by.

NewAbstract Design Studio - Border sets are offered here.

Advanced Web Designs - Free Stuff - 26 designs at this time.

Albino Frog Software's Tile Page- Over 145 background tiles to choose from. If you don't see what you want, just ask.

The Alien Texture Gallery - 45 backgrounds that are unique.

The All-Purpose Backgrounds Homepage - 5 pages offered at this time.

Amanda's Images Texture Factory - a small assortment of regular backgrounds.

Amanda's Tileable Textures - 63 backgrounds when I last checked.

Andy's Art Attack - 29 original designs.

NewAnn-S-Thesia's Aesthetic Pharmacy - A new background is offered every day.

Arts Dujour - 2 pages of designs at this time.

Artsy Fartsy - One page of designs so far.

Artsy-Smartsy Background Images - 16 designs were offered at this time.

Axem Textures - Over 800 textures!

BabyDoll's Designs - A small group of border sets offered at this time.

The Background Boutique - 18 pages of regular backgrounds.

Background Image Sampler - 37 backgrounds offered.

Background of The Day - Just like it says...a new background offered every day. Great idea!

Background Textures - 27 colored background and 15 grayscale.

Background Tiles for Your Site! - 4 pages of beautiful backgrounds from my friend Cia.

Backgrounds/Bars/Animation - 76 backgrounds.

Backgrounds by Carel - There's a random background generator but will offer an index when the site is redesigned.

Backgrounds by Cloud Dancer - A brand new site for border backgrounds by my friend Bobbie.

Backgrounds by Doug - Over 200 backgrounds for use on your personal pages. From mild to wild. Also check out Doug's Grafx Sets.Terrific border backgrounds with matching buttons and bars.

Backgrounds by Elly - Terrific border background designs from my best pal Elly.

Backgrounds by Fantasy Flights - Specialty border backgrounds featuring birds. Terrific stuff from my friend Theresa.

Backgrounds by Montserrat - 18 great backgrounds when I last had a look.

NewBackgrounds by Roach - There's only six backgrounds offered at this time.

Backgrounds by TINY T-30 designs when I last checked.

Backgrounds 4 Us - Regular background designs.

Bareback's Native American Graphics - Approximately 15 designs at this time.

BenBer Does Backgrounds - a small assortment of backgrounds for your pages.

Benita's Homemade Backgrounds - Regular and border designs are offered.

NewBilliard Wallpaper - If you like billiards for a web page theme, here's where you'll find a background. Regular and border designs offered.

Bimsan's WWW Graphics - A ton of designs when I last checked. Offers regular and border backgrounds as well as sets with matching icons, bars and banners. There's so many designs, there's a second site started at Geocities

Boogie Jack's Big World of Fun! - Regular and border backgrounds.

Borders by Shel - Come and visit my friend Shel's new site! Wonderful border backgrounds for your pages with regular background designs now added too.

Borders to Go - 34 designs at this time.

Brain Soup - Four different collections are available in .zip files. Most files are in BMP format so you have to convert them to either .gifs or .jpgs.

The Briggs Family - A small assortment at this time with more to come.

Brown Bag Backgrounds - Three pages of original designs as well as others from around the Net.

Bumpy: The Land of Textures-Three pages of designs.

Burgess Borders - Border designs such as Hawaiian, Animal, Fantasy, Family and Holiday selections.

NewBusy Backgrounds by Julie - Some are busy and some aren't but it's all a matter of taste.

Pam Bytes Free Graphics-Lots of regular background designs as well as border backgrounds.

CastIron Backgrounds - Check out the "animated" backgrounds.

NewCat Stuff Graphics

Cat's BackGrounds - 36 designs at this time.

Celeste's Holiday Graphic Collection - This is a great place to visit if you plan on having pages for any holiday. Great backgrounds plus icons and bars too.

Coral Designs - 8 border background sets available at this time.

Cosmic Web Custom Graphics - One page of background designs with more on the way.

Crimson Stone Backgrounds - Some original designs as well as others collected from around the Web.

Custom Backgrounds - Two pages of regular backgrounds and two pages with seasonal designs.

Custom Textures - An incredible assortment of backgrounds with more being added all the time. These pages take some time to load but anything worth having is worth waiting for.

Cyberspace Inn Backgrounds - 15 pages of great designs.

The Cyberspace Place Backgrounds - Regular and border designs offered.

NewDani's Designs - Border Sets are offered at this site with special requests accepted.

Debbie's Background and Button Bonanza - 2 pages of border background sets offered by my friend Debbie. You'll also find another page of just borders as well as regular background designs.

DejaVu Graphic Designs - Several backgrounds are offered but there's no way to tell what the designs are unless you click on the link to each and every one of them.

Deneika's Borders Index - 7 pages of original border backgrounds including holiday themes.

The depARTment Store - Approximately 50 regular background designs offered.

DesignMasters, Inc. - One page of border and regular backgrounds offered at this time.

Design Originals - Beautiful border backgrounds done as sets which include buttons and horizontal rules.

The Design Shoppe - Regular and border backgrounds offered.

desktopPublishing.com - Original Backgrounds- 50 backgrounds for your pages.

Disturbing Patterns-3 pages of very unique designs. The name says it all.

Dr. Ozone's Backgrounds - A wonderful place to find truly unique backgrounds.

Dr. Zeus' Textures - Very beautiful designs done from photographs.

The Doodles Pad - Very nice designs and some are complete sets for your web pages.

Dream Studios - One page of regular backgrounds, no full-page preview.

Dreamfires - Tiles, borders and border sets available.

Barbara Durham's Gif Art Studio - 14 pages of regular backgrounds.

Lewis Eaton's "Professional Image" Backgrounds - A fellow Media Link member with very nice border backgrounds that are just made for text. 6 pages of designs.

Enchanted Backgrounds - Border and regular backgrounds are featured. On some of the pages you get wonderful poetry to read while you browse.

NewE.T.'s Web Art

Eye on the World - Web Page Graphics - 3 pages of border background designs and two pages of regular designs.

Fantasy Backgrounds - Only a few designs offered at this time.

fly-by-net BACKGROUNDS- 9 pages of backgrounds.

Fay Studios - Free Graphics - Regular backgrounds as well as great border background sets.

NewFHT Graphics Centre

Four Bees - Over one hundred background designs with links to tons of other sites.

Free Art @ Solarflare - 3 pages of backgrounds in theme sets and .zip files.

Free Backgrounds and Wallpapers - 2 pages of regular designs.

Free Data - 9 pages of designs.

Free Graphics - 16 backgrounds at this time.

Free Graphics Zone - This site offers regular and border backgrounds.

Free Webpage Designs - 7 pages of designs listed by color.

Free Web Page Designs - Regular and border backgrounds.

Gallery Pianissimo - A brand new site with more designs being added all the time.

NewGengif's Backgrounds

Gifs Down Under - Hard-wearing, bio-degradable, seamless, acrylic background textures. 19 designs.

glas borders - Border backgrounds only.

Grace's Flowery Backgrounds Archive - 30 regular backgrounds offered.

The Graphic Hut Backgrounds - A new site offering border backgrounds.

The Graphic Station - This site was formerly known as the Icon Depot.

Graphics by Cygnus - Regular and border backgrounds as well as some border sets.

Graphics by Grazia - Three pages of very nice designs.

Graphics by Toymaker - 7 pages of regular backgrounds.

Graphics & Beyond - A wonderful feast for the eyes.


NewThe Great Globe Gallery

Greg's Texture Tiles Page - Small, medium, large and extra large designs are offered.

The Groan Zone - Tiles, borders and border sets available.

Roger Hamstra's Silk Purse Graphics - 3 pages of regular backgrounds.

Hawkeye's Land of Backgrounds- 144 backgrounds. A new site with more backgrounds to come.

Heather's Graphics - 12 pages of colorful designs for regular backgrounds.

The House of Ugly (and some Nice) Backgrounds - 8 libraries of regular backgrounds.

HTML Goodies Domain Home Page - About a dozen designs but lots of tips on making your own.

HTML3 - Browser Backgrounds - 36 background designs.

The Icon Palace - 24 backgrounds offered.

Icons/Backgrounds/Homepage Help - 7 pages of backgrounds.

Infinite Fish Productions - 180 incredible textures offered. The whole web site is worth checking out.

It's a Crazi Border - One page of border background designs from my friend Crazi.

J.A.W.S. - You need the ActiveX browser plug-in to view these regular background designs.

Jelane's Free Web Graphics - Great border backgrounds with matching bars and icons.

Jersey Home Girrrrrl's Graphics Gallery - Great backgrounds and border sets are offered.

JG's Playground - Regular backgrounds offered.

Jill's Graphics - 3 pages of regular backgrounds.

Jim's Picture Gallery - Designs you can use as either desktop wallpaper or backgrounds.

Johnny's Web Graphics - Border backgrounds sets....a small collection.

Judibug's Doodlings - A large assortment of border backgrounds, including holiday designs.

Judy's Place - 42 designs offered.

Julianne's Background Textures-A very well laid out page to view the backgrounds "full screen." This site has approximately 48 backgrounds to choose from.

Kaleidescape-Professional original backgrounds.....updated weekly.

Kaleidescope - 8 pages of designs.

Kinzo's Backgrounds from Japan- Just short of 200 backgrounds to choose from.

Kochtopf's Background - Sammlung-22 designs, several with images.

Kristy's Desktop Creations- Zipped files only. A great site for kids' wallpaper designs. Lots of Disney characters.

The Lady's Background Creations-6 pages of beautiful designs with more on the way. My friend DianaDru has regular as well as border background designs.

The Land of Backgrounds - 40 designs offered.

Little Wing Original Backgrounds - 3 pages of border backgrounds with matching buttons and bars.

Lolis Graphic Gallery - Terrific border sets for your pages.

Lori's Backgrounds - Regular and border backgrounds.

Lucky Black Cat's Backgrounds - Five pages of regular backgrounds.

Heikki Luhtala Background Gallery - Wonderful pages of very unique backgrounds. This site is a must see!

MadCow's Graphics - Regular backgrounds, borders and sets are offered at this site.

Marija's Original Backgrounds - Wonderful designs in regular backgrounds. Check out the unique stained glass designs as well as the Gothic creations.

Media Link's Free Graphics-Offers hoards of free graphics.

Metatools Image Library- Approximately 125 backgrounds offered.

Microsoft Site Builder Workshop - A decent assortment to choose from.

Midnight Madness Web Designs - Regular and border backgrounds offered.

Mighty Grapholina-About a dozen background designs with more on the way. Please visit my friend Allison.

Mike's Room - Home of the Cosmic Backgrounds- These are great backgrounds for your pages......very different.

Minnie's Creations - Regular and border backgrounds.

Misty's Magical Designs - Colored, jewelry and embroidery border designs.

MJT's Graphics Shop - Border and regular backgrounds.

The Mouse Pad - VikiMouse Collection - Border and regular backgrounds.

To Page Two

Come and visit the sections which offer my own original background designs for your web pages.

Ace of Space Backgrounds
Bordertown - border designs
Bordertown Sets
Ace of Space Kids Place - fun designs

Since May 16/97.

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Updated July 6, 1997.

Ace of Space - Backgrounds for your Web pages.